Encyclopaedia Anatomica

Συγγραφέας : Συλλογικό έργο
Εκδότης :
Έτος έκδοσης : 2014
ISBN : 9783822838488
Σελίδες : 578
Σχήμα : 20x15
Κατηγορίες : Ανατομία, Ανθρώπινη

13.35 € 11.88 €

When Peter Leopold of Habsburg-Lotharingen (1747-1792), Grand Duke of Tuscany (ill. p. 7), decided in 1771 to bring together all the "scientific" collections from the various galleries in the Grand Duchy, the result was an innovation that was unique not only in Europe but anywhere in the world. Much earlier than other potentates this enlightened ruler -an enthusiastic student of the natural sciences- had understood the importance of the sciences for the cultural advancement of any society. The first thing he did was to examine the various ways in which the findings of science could be made accessible to all those who were interested.

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