
4000 Years of Greek History and Civilization
Επιμελητής : Σακελλαρίου, Μ. Β.
Εκδότης : Εκδοτική Αθηνών
Έτος έκδοσης : 1997
ISBN : 9789602133774
Σελίδες : 480
Σχήμα : 30x22
Κατηγορίες : Ήπειρος - Ιστορία
Σειρά : Greek Lands in History

57.54 € 43.16 €

Epirus is the second volume of the series "Greek lands in history", following Macedonia. This series in unique in international historiography as it presents in an imressive continuity the history of hellenism from antiquity to our times: it will include another four volumes, devoted to Thrace, Asia Minor, the Aegean and Cyprus, regions which have provided their own contribution to greek history an culture throughout the ages.

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