Greek colour is the colour of synthesis and antithesis; the colour which is constantly changing as we cross the Greek landscape; the colour of images magical, yet at the same time familiar, images which indelibly mark the land of Greece.
It is colour which surprises, which changes depending on the season of the year and even during the course of one day; colour, sweet and tender on the beach; colour dark and suggestive in the hinterland; colour which paints images as if they spring straight from the artist's imagination. It is the endless blue of the Aegean which is transformed into a blazing orange as the sun sets; the crystal turquoise of the Ionian Sea; the blinding white of the Cyclades interrupted by the blues and greens of the windows of whitewashed houses; the cherry red and burgundy shades of the bougainvilleas and geraniums which fill the narrow, winding streets; the rich green vegetation alternating with the gold of the sand and the dark grey-blue of the mountain ranges under the sky blue veil of the heavens.
It is the vibrant green of spring and summer in mountainous areas transformed into hues of orange-red and deep yellow in autumn; the unforgettable colour of Greek villages with their traditional houses -each area with its own special timbre- the tiled houses of Macedonia and the Ionian Sea, the stone houses of Epirus and the Peloponnese, the pure white cubes of the Cyclades; brown, terracotta, white and red intermingled with blue and green. People themselves enliven this feast of colours,- sunburnt figures, age-old faces, with strong Mediterranean characteristics. You meet people who live with Greek colour in the squares and coffee shops, under aged plane trees, beside springs or in picturesque little ports. The colour of dawn and the setting sun paints their faces, their glance staring out to the open sea. Greek colour.