"We had left the fountain about fifteen minutes, and I was" fifty paces ahead, winding round the side of a steep and wooded hill, in a narrow path ... when I was arrested by a loud shriek, followed by sounds that boded no good. I saw through the trees the crowding of men, white fustanells and arms! Whether or not escape was practicable, it did not enter into my mind to enquire; resistance was out of the question; but, in the confidence which extensive practice among these men had given me, I felt only incensed at the outrage, and reckoned on instant submission* I therefore turned and galloped towards them. I was certainly led into another train of reflection, when I saw a couple turn at me, holding their muskets levelled. I held up my hands, unarmed, (I was unarmed, except a pair of horse pistols in my holsters,) but they made a rush on both sides, vociferating imprecations, and distorting their faces into the most hideous and exasperating grimaces ... The next thing I recollect was a blow on the back, as I was raised on my knees, which is generally preparatory to the act of decollation... I leaped up, and stood prepared with a stout stick to do what might be practicable, to prevent myself from being bound... One of the party ... turned to me with the cord. I offered him my breast to strike. His yatagan was in an instant bare.. I told them ... that I was perfectly resolved not to move a step, unless not only relieved from all insult, but treated with respect: "nor will I stir from this spot," I continued, "unless that man," pointing to one who seemed the chief, "whose countenance I will trust, gives me his word that the wretch who has insulted me shall not be allowed to approach me while I remain unarmed."
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