Lexicon Pindaricum

Συγγραφέας : Rumpel, Johannes
Επιμελητής : Σιάτρας, Δημήτρης Ν.
Εκδότης : Εκδόσεις Σιάτρα
Έτος έκδοσης : 2013
ISBN : 978
Σελίδες : 520
Σχήμα : 25x17
Κατηγορίες : Ελληνική ποίηση, Αρχαία - Ερμηνεία και κριτική
Σειρά : Εditiones Auctorum Classicorum Nuper Correctae

48.00 € 40.80 €

Re-edition with new editing. The first edition of the classic Pindaric Dictionary by J. Rumpel was published by Teubner in Leipzig 130 years ago; despite the time past, the book is still used by the classicists around the globe. The current re-edition was scanned and digitally processed to replace broken letters, remove oxide stains, etc. A few passages were replaced with new typesetting, while more than 500 errors were corrected; about half of them are mentioned in the Hypomnema in detail and the most important ones are also noted in the respective pages with a characteristic arrow. Besides, more than 1500 ! words with other minor typographical errors have silently been corrected.

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