In "Ippias Meizon", Platon, shows Socrates as the opposite of the sophists and the orators, that is, his daemonious-luck (tyche) pushed him to continuous research (289e). So the research character of study of Plato's philosophy was based on, is the same with what we could like to work with, in these workshops. We will be directed in our research not only towards the external knowledge we are going to acquire, but using this knowledge, to get to know ourselves better and understand the aims of the school.
One of the positive things of the research attitude, is that it puts the kings of the centers to work. Research means to leave behind the absolute and preconceived ideas about the study materials, and with an openness to start building our understanding stone by stone, from the beginning.
The basic research fields on all areas of studies, for us as students, are:
-The gods
-The man
-His soul
-The world.
[...] (From the introduction to "Ariadne workshop")