Reading and Vocabulary Skills for Maritime Students

Συγγραφέας : Ανανιάδου, Εύη
Εκδότης : Φαίδιμος
Έτος έκδοσης : 2015
ISBN : 9786185062125
Σελίδες : 192
Σχήμα : 24x17
Κατηγορίες : Ναυτιλία - Ορολογία - Αγγλικά

18.02 € 14.42 €

This is a collection of authentic materials intended to expose upper-intermediate students of English with a special interest in Maritime Issues to reading texts similar to the ones they will possibly encounter in real life professional situations. The objective is to enhance their Reading and Lexical skills by equipping them with useful reading strategies and by broadening their relevant vocabulary. Each lesson starts with one or two prereading or first reading activities that help activate the students’ background knowledge, both schematic (knowledge of the world) and linguistic/lexical.

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