Take a Trip to the Invisible Cities

Συγγραφέας : Κάππα, Βασιλική
Εκδότης : Κουίντα
Έτος έκδοσης : 2014
ISBN : 9786188051546
Σελίδες : 50
Σχήμα : 21x15
Σειρά : Take a Trip

15.00 € 13.50 €

This book is the result of an amazing meeting between two projects that gave me the opportunity to express the same idea in different forms. The first project is a series of paintings I’ve been working on for the last fifteen years, named "Invisible Cities", since I was initially inspired by Italo Calvino. The second project is a film called "Take a Trip" directed by Christos N. Karakasis, and produced during the last two years. All filming took place in England and London is the city presented. I was asked to write a text that would be used in the film. As a writer I do not find it easy to write on a given subject, but this was not the case. It was about a city, and cities were always part of my thoughts as they used to be my main subject in another field of my interests; art. How could I put my perception of a city in words, though? It seemed easy at first, but was it really? I had to think and watch the film so many times, but still couldn’t find my way with words. Then suddenly I was running out of time, I had to let the director know if I was going to give him the text or free him from waiting. I decided to free him. I was sorry, but it seemed that cities were only meant to be painted by me. Maybe I couldn’t combine different ways of expressing myself on the very same idea. Maybe we all have different areas in ourselves that do exist as whole entities, but can never meet, because they are just parallel to each other. So I freed him, but, as soon as I did, I started writing. I knew London, I knew England, I had lived there for long periods and suddenly it was all coming together.

Η Βασιλική Κάππα κατάγεται από τη Σμύρνη. Σπούδασε κλασική φιλολογία στη Φιλοσοφική Σχολή Αθηνών, με ειδίκευση στη γλωσσολογία, και ακόμα θέατρο, σκηνοθεσία κινηματογράφου και κλασική μουσική. Mελέτησε τη βιωματική φόρτιση της γλώσσας στην τελετουργία και προχώρησε σε διδακτορική διατριβή με θέμα τη σημειολογία του μυθιστορήματος.

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