Getting familliar with technical english

For architects, civil engineers and surveying engineers
Συγγραφέας : Κολέθρα, Ελένη
Εκδότης : Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών
Έτος έκδοσης : 2015
ISBN : 9789605780067
Σελίδες : 382
Σχήμα : 24x17
Κατηγορίες : Αγγλική γλώσσα - Διδακτικά βιβλία για ξένους Αρχιτεκτονική - Ορολογία - Αγγλικά Μηχανική - Ορολογία - Αγγλικά

28.00 € 21.84 €

Getting Familiar with Technical English (New Edition) is a textbook for students studying Architecture, Civil Engineering and Surveying Engineering. It aims at introducing students to the scientific English language of these fields, encompassing many aspects that range from design and drawing, building materials and various types of structures to urban design and environmental issues. At the end of the course students are expected to have acquired a sufficient knowledge of their specific English language and thus to be able to better communicate in English in their future professions. The book consists of three parts: Part I contains a variety of scientific authentic texts followed by comprehension, vocabulary and language development exercises. Part II includes: - General issues on reading, writing and speaking scientific English. - Samples of cover letters and resumes/CVs. - Tips of grammar and structure for scientific English and related exercises. - Words causing problems. Part III contains a detailed English-Greek as well as a Greek-English specific vocabulary.

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